You Gotta Fight

You Gotta Fight

I make a lot of notes on Post-its and sometimes they're more confusing than others. Sometimes they're not really notes at all.

As far as how I made this, it was started by a picture of my face that I drew over. After I had an idea, I added the Post-it to hammer it home. Very often when I'm stumped on what to do, I use this method of starting with a picture to get myself going. Though here, I found that motivation much easier than I usually do.

This piece is based on the song Fight For Your Right by the Beastie Boys. You can see the cursive "YOU GOTTA FIGHT" across the front. It's about this feeling of needing to do so much that you don't want to do and wanting to give up knowing that you have to fight in order to survive. We just don't have a choice when it comes to our responsibilities. And we have to do them! Even when we don't want to. I hate it but I know that not liking it is actually making things so much worse. You can see how "don't forget" kind of gets lost in the tangle of things. The "must" is so close to "forget" that they could almost be together. This is not a good list and as almost a reflection, I've found that action from something as daunting as this is futile. Do and this are so far apart, it seems like nothing is getting done.

Look, what I've found to help has been splitting up things into much smaller tasks and actually giving yourself a pat on the back when you "send an email". I'm aware, pathetic. But hey this is how you get stuff done, I promise you. You have to do those little things to prove to your subconscious that "you got this" because you do! And you don't have a choice.

There is a silver lining! Eight rays of sunshine make the leaves on the vine come alive and turn green. I believe we all have guardian angels and I always reference Kobe Bryant as one of mine. See how there's eight of them, like his old number. Yes, I know, a little silly. But there's a point! It helps me stay on track with my bottom line. When I'm faced with a tough decision, I think, my hero is watching. Maybe I can be a hero too.

Ps. That is my favorite pen.

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