We’re Done

We’re Done

I’m just done. Done trying to appease people outwardly. Done with the whole sad routine. Done with results. In every piece I draw with a rat and cheese it’s all about the pursuit, not having it yet. I’m done with that idea because there will always be a bigger mountain to climb. There’s no amount of achievement that will fill this hole in my heart. That worthiness is something that needs to come from me and a gratitude toward what I have. There is so much in my life and in everyone’s lives that is worth loving. We don’t need the cheese. It’s supposed to be me in a rat suit, sadly not a rotoscope this time. Rat suit pending. Humans don’t need cheese. It’s basically a man made creation. It’s not like we’ve always just naturally had cheese. As I’ve learned, you can’t just eat cheese for three days straight. You will go to the hospital. Again, speaking from experience here. At the end of the day it’s pointless. Countless people have come before you and many have tried to change the world. Hey, some do and wow I think few of them ever imagined they would. The real win guys, the real joy, has to be what you can do for the people around you. At least it has to start there. We all want to make this existence better and boy we have for some people. It begins with the things you can do to make your life better, follows with the people you see every day, and maybe just maybe can it extend to the greater world beyond. Like a ripple effect. All of that only happens if you stop worrying about how everything is going to look and more about how it’s actually going to be for yourself and others. Stop going for the idea and just do what you need to do to survive. Others will follow. One day maybe we can make this better for everyone together one person at a time.

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