This One Hurt

This One Hurt

Sometimes we all feel like this. When you are doing what you want with no gain. People are questioning what you do and for once they have no answer. All that confidence turned into fear or worse, shame. I love the serious face I give here because I'm so not about the bullshit at this moment. I want more yet I am kind of stuck in the process. For some reason we feel silly when we do something without a very obvious result. You feel stupid, like you are doing what you're doing for nothing. Bad thoughts seep in and you question your every move. You are the clown putting on a show for those judging you. Making sure your every move is perfect. Looking back I almost regret putting this sort of paint on my face. I'm not an idiot, although I do things that may not make the most sense. Don't we all? We're all just people in the end. We all make mistakes. Why judge each other and ourselves when we're all doing the same thing.
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