The Murderous Kirk

The Murderous Kirk

This may seem like a relatively underwhelming piece but I’m actually really proud of this one. Based on the legendary character in the Dark Souls series, Kirk wears the Armor of Thorns and for this reason hadn’t been of much note to me until late. As I get older I realize that we as people often try to protect others, especially people we don’t know well, from the worst parts of ourselves. I hadn’t imagined how much I was guarding myself until last year really. I’m scared to be myself a lot of the time and that’s honestly one of the biggest reasons I’m writing this right now. Just to be seen in a way, to feel that I’m not alone. In my experience, I’ve seen that instead of admitting this lonesome reality that most people experience in one way or another, people including myself at times will put on the thorns. Not only shielding themselves but also giving the indication to back away. Not to mention, when there is someone that actually cares about us in the way we want to be cared for, after all this time, guess who we take all that real repressed anger out on? The people we love most. Meanwhile, the people that we view as more surface level are given this glamorized mask to see as I put on our friend Kirk here. The whole idea is not to hide because even when we do people will still find a way to see you for who you really are. So it’s best not to run and just be yourself. It has to be okay for you to be yourself.
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