

I have this up here because I think a video game captured one of the best stories of all time. It's one about this want-to-be knight, Solaire, who creates his armor himself. Armor decorated with his own drawing of a sun. He wishes to help you along your journey with laughter and jolly cooperation. Though more than anything he wants to find "his very own sun". After many battles, you're given the chance to save his life although the journey is treacherous. A maggot is about to consume his mind but you can stop it. If you do, he sits on the floor and cries in fatigue from his quest. He's searched all around the world but just can't seem to find it. "Why?" He exclaims. He can't find his sun. 

If you do save his life, he helps you in the epic final battle. If you win together, he inherits a line of flame and is engulfed by it. Finally becoming his very own sun. I'll leave you with that on this one. If you want to learn more about this story, play Dark Souls and don't forget that it'll happen to you too. 

I want to add a little piece about Aidan Hogan who showed me this game and always supported the rats through his "Thursday Hogan's". A drawing he would make once a week that always had a bit of extra humor. I loved it and wish we still did it. There should be one up this gallery come to think of it. We'll honor him here instead.

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