Purging Stone

Purging Stone

When you get "cursed" in one of my favorite games, Dark Souls, you turn to stone similar to how you see my face here. Frozen in place, you can actually go back during your next life and see your former self as a rock. This is such a cool concept because in a way our lives and world are just like this. The same atoms that make up the bones in our bodies may have once been massive boulders falling into the ocean. Or the tip of a desolate mountaintop. Or intricate stones along a riverbank. We have to appreciate ourselves like we are eternal. Because we are. Matter cannot be created or destroyed my friends, we know this. We have always been here and we always will be. Isn't there something timeless about that? Oh yeah and the thing on the right is part of a dragon. With eternal life comes this feeling of imagination that I believe dragons capture very well. Treat yourself like the wonderful story you are!
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