Me And The Boys Hitting The Wire

Me And The Boys Hitting The Wire

I used to be against saying anything like this drawing's title but then I went to college. There I found that without friends or family, I actually felt really alone. I yearned for some kind of unconditional love and just a place with people that felt safe. It was after one semester of this feeling that I decided to join a fraternity. Although it was at times a little boisterous and stupid, wow, did I have fun. Plus, I had that sense of home that I was looking for. This work is all about just rocking out with your friends even though on the outside it may seem actually destructive. People get the wrong view about fraternities for all the right reasons that they totally deserve. The way they're structured now, they should not exist. Needless to say, I needed one and honestly it played a part in saving my life. So to some extent they are very important and valuable. Maybe we can just live in a world where everyone's friendly and tries to have a good time with each other? Yes, I know that's a little far fetched but so are these three little birds on the wire.
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