Masks We Put On Ourselves

Masks We Put On Ourselves

Although I did put as much of my own artistic portrayal of these ideas into this piece, I did some research as to the colors Wrath, Envy, and Greed. The colors shown here are ones historically and culturally associated with the “Masks We Put On Ourselves”.

Envy has an eye that reaches out to the others, longing for something that it does not have. From a forward look, the mask would have a sort of spiral meant to lure people into a longer gaze. A lot of people cannot give themselves the attention they need toward what they have and are interested in. A lot of people are deprived of love from others that should be coming from themselves. 

I love the “X” on the head of the Greed mask. A person who takes from others constantly feels that there is a target on their head. In some cases there actually is but most of the time, again from my experience, that target comes from themselves. More than loving taking from others, they’ve fallen in love with being hated. It literally fuels them. Everyone else is a doubter on their path to success. Let me give you an instance: someone wrongs you. Oftentimes that wrongdoing has absolutely nothing to do with you but for the greedy person that moment became a spark for a fire of hate towards others. A justification for the madness. A reason to smile. 

When I posted this piece on Instagram someone commented, “does Wrath have a toothbrush”? To which I explained the problems that result from over brushing. Thank you to all of my followers, you make me happy. I unleash my creative wrath onto you all with every post. The gray protrusion from the mask was not meant to be a brush but rather a razor. Similar to Greed, people full of Wrath have a love for hurting others. Somewhere way back they gave themselves, most of the time unknowingly so, a reason to hurt people. Sometimes it’s buried so deep that we’ll never know and they won’t either. Their embodiment has become an “us versus them” quest to take down the world. It’s best to stay out of their way because unfortunately when we do that they finally turn inward to themselves in a way that’s more productive, sometimes destructive. Though unless you’re some kind of medical professional, it’s best not to try and save people. Speaking from experience again. I’m a professional loser. Write a sob story will ya?

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