Learning is Saying Goodbye

Learning is Saying Goodbye

For the record, all of the descriptions prior to this one were written in 2022 during my first show in Santa Ana at The Painter’s Room. I write now a night after my fourth show a year and a half later, back in California, this time in Venice. On with it then. The theme for my most recent show with Juicebox at Alana’s Coffee Roasters, “Learning is Saying Goodbye” is exactly as it sounds. When we learn something we forget what we used to know we didn’t know, actualizing the so-called prophesied self we were meant to be in our eyes. We gain the confidence we always needed to just be ourselves but that journey takes time, patience, and a love for being wrong. Most if not all of these things are hard to feel and harder to have. We’re doing the best we can like a robot with faulty fingers trying to pick up a flower. It’s not going to come out pretty the first time, maybe not the second, or even the third. That system though is the method to fulfilling your dreams, facing your fears, and accomplishing what you’ve always wanted to. You have to look at your failures with pride like our robot friend here. It’s just another flower, you are just another soldier in your fight for the life you want to live. You have to do it every day so chin up. The war is won in the mind and on the battlefield. Only the sith deal in absolutes, don’t forget your teachings now young master.
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