It’s Time

It’s Time

My sister and I, Dimitra, always have the best of times. In this world I've found that it's incredibly important to appreciate what you have and to keep in mind the difference between what you want and what you need. Dimitra's gesture towards the puddle signifies how we should feel toward false dreams. Most of the time what we see in the puddle is not actually what we imagined in real life. The more we try and chase reflections the more we find that this world is actually a very dark and wacky place. The balloon only exists in the drawing, we can't actually grab it. What I have in my hand, this beautiful, mango popsicle and my fun-loving sister are all that I need to worry about here. I hope it reminds the viewer that the grass is not actually greener on the other side, it's a reflection of our false beliefs. It’s time to think about who you are and what you want.
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