

To me, Mike Judge's Office Space puts an incredible dilemma into perspective.  People don't realize it sometimes but we are very influenced by the people around us. It's because of this that I've realized it's important to kind of hand pick the people around you. As crazy or egotistical as that sounds, if one doesn't it could end up turning you into someone you don't want to be. Not all but there are many people who are following money at the sacrifice of their dreams. I understand sometimes you have no choice and to those people, you have to do what you have to do. But there are a lot of people just going through the motions, checking in, checking out, and doing it all over again. 

For a second, I was one of those people. I had given up on trying to build the world that I wanted and instead tried to get enough money to buy happiness. Soon I realized it was not my path but there are many people still trapped in the void. I hope this drawing inspires these people to snap out of it. You have enough to survive, you'll be okay. Don't give into despair. Give yourself hope and therefore strength. Don't give up on your dreams. Don't let that little kid down!

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