Growing Is Letting Go

Growing Is Letting Go

One morning, I woke up and I was very thirsty. I had come back from a long trip where I’d driven for many hours on end, a theme of my life, and must not have been drinking enough water. I was about to take a sip when I looked at my plants. I am new to plants and had a traumatic experience with root rot so I chose to take care of some easy vines nowadays. My more mature, heartleaf philodendron had very moist soil but my newly potted golden pothos had soil that was very dry. I could see the roots coming out of the bottom of the plant as it drew every last drop of water from the dirt around it. Immediately, I poured the rest of the water in my bottle on the plant, showering its leaves. In a way, I think it knew. Sometimes when we love something, we have to give it every last drop of energy and love that we have. It’s been an incredible road, I’ve learned to appreciate the things that give value to my life and you should too. A little forceful I know but so is death. Let it go Indy (I guess in this sense: Andy), let it go. 

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