God Dammit Scott

God Dammit Scott

When I was first starting @api_rats I was reluctant to show my grandparents. They had shown me so much art growing up and really gave me a sense of what art was. We'd go to the New York Philharmonic Orchestra and watch performances they'd picked out especially for me. Or to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to see the latest gallery show. I wanted my art to be "good" to them. To my surprise, my grandparents loved my wacky style and my grandpa said that this piece of actual garbage "deserved to be in an art gallery". I never forgot it. 

It represents this change that was going on in my mind. I realized to get what I wanted I had to be okay with some sacrifice. Growing up we always had toilet paper. Living out on my own with friends trying to piece together life, we were always running out. It's really that feeling of knowing that that roll is going to cost you something. Or at least it did. And now you're going to have to go out and buy another one. That being said, when I made this I was incredibly intoxicated, searching for an idea. But this is art.

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