Get Out

Get Out

Yes, this piece is out of worldly but the only dimension I’m trying to reference here is the one in your own mind. “Get out of your own head” is the appropriate phrase I’m trying to refer to here. For a couple months, maybe a little more, I was writing down a lot of numbers that would just come to me. Like an impulse, I’d just be overwhelmed with them while drawing and would be forced to write them down. Maybe you can tell me the meaning someday, I really have no idea. This piece is about not giving into that craziness or at least not thinking negatively of it. Get on a ship and fly away from those ideas for a bit, the ones that were making you want to write the numbers. The line between art and instantly is paper thin and I know that. It’s when you give crazy thoughts validity: that is the problem. Cthulhu gets you, or some version of the devil in some kind of way. When you’re scared and alone, or at least feeling that way, don’t give up. Now is your time to get out of your head and maybe even your current physical environment. Check yourself and how you are feeling. Don’t let yourself seep into despair and slip down a road that’s harder to come back from than it is to go down. Sometimes the directions to salvation look like an alien language but I can assure you that you should go with your gut. Whatever that may be telling you, I don’t know. Maybe you can come and tell me someday. 

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