Dance In The Box

Dance In The Box

“You have to dance beautifully in the box that you’re comfortable dancing in,” said Kobe Bryant. 

Maybe one of the hardest things I have to do on a regular basis and maybe one of the most difficult trials of life that we all have to complete one way or another. Being the best version of yourself. Well I have no trouble saying that Kobe made it look easy. Seeing Kobe play was a gift I think we all took for granted while he was around. For me and I’m sure a lot of us, not a day goes by without thinking about how we can continue on his legacy of greatness. Through diligent practice and self love, he was able to accomplish such feats under immense pressure facing the unlikeliest of odds. He was able to do this because of what he talks about in the quote above. Dancing in the box you are most comfortable dancing in. Wrapping your mind around the idea of focusing solely on the things you can control and putting time into improving on all the aspects of what makes you special. Each one of our lives are so unique in so many ways. It’s up to ourselves to make sure that it’s the best life it can be for us. Doing the things that make our days feel complete and leave us resting happily with all the loving memories of a successful life. This, Kobe says, is how to live by the famous Mamba Mentality that took the world by storm. I know I’m not him but I try to be every day. 

Rest in peace Kobe and Gianna. We miss you everyday.

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