Dad, I Have No Idea

Dad, I Have No Idea

Although this drawing doesn't necessarily fit in with the rest of my work, I had to include it in my first gallery at The Painter’s Room in Santa Ana, California. It is the drawing that represents the real fact of doing art on a regular basis, it's actually not fun. I can't complain because expressing myself visually is like breathing. Though for others I can imagine it comes at quite a surprise. It was around this time that I learned to channel what I do best and not worry about the result as much. Don't worry, I still do to some extent but this drawing encompasses that feeling exactly. It came from a day where I really wasn't feeling up to it and needed a way out. I combined a bunch of drawings that had been rejected, things that couldn't be posted on their own. Put them all together into an outline of my face and thought to call it a day. It was then at that moment I had a burst of energy. After experimenting with new options at the point of despair I had come up with something that actually looked good. When times seem the most bleak it is essential that we push forward. We never know what's right around the corner. 

My Dad always asks me if I know what I’m going to draw the day before my next post. I honestly never have a clue. We’re just piecing it together as we’re going along. It’s never perfect and not always pretty but it’s so real. I try to define this concept in my art process, most of the time unknowingly.

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