Change Is Hard

Change Is Hard

I was sitting in my car on the side of the PCH in Malibu after showing next to a naked homeless woman in the public restroom thinking about how I never wanted to do that again when I decided to make this piece. I can't tell you why but ever since I was a kid I've always fantasized about being a simple man. Not homeless but just someone who lived with nothing and didn't need much to be happy. I wanted to live out of my car, make money on the road, and shower in public bathrooms. I was convinced I was this guy. Wrong. As funny as it sounds, this really hurt. I realized I am going to have to work a lot harder to get where I want to be and it's not going to be as easy as my life so far. Nothing is more humbling than climbing up the mountain and seeing that there are much higher peaks to climb. Maybe this was just another convoluted excuse to not try. I don't know. Hopefully by seeing my silly faces, I can put a smile on someone's face who actually has real problems.
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